Thursday, May 27, 2010

Deja Vue all Over Again or Bayou Blues (Part II)

Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. My heart goes out for the folks of the Gulf Coast States. Here we are 5 years after Katrina and the core problems remain. What really got fixed? Are they any safer now than before? Thousands of people are still without their homes. Hundreds of businesses and jobs lost. Promises of help, relief, and fixes to the problems that caused the disaster have rung even less than hollow.

Now let's pour some billions of gallons of oil onto the ocean and kill what business was left and hear once again the hollow promises of Washington say they will "Fix" the problem. It's 2005 all over again.

Obama and the country slammed George Bush for his administrations reaction and help for the Katrina disaster. A disaster of this magnitude will be better handled by my staff because we learned of the mistakes and shortcomings of the past administration. What did they learn? Fire the head of the department that was caught out of sync with the issues?

We talk about the banks and insurance industry being "too big to fail" and yet our government does it to us all the time. They fail us. The locals in Louisiana wanted to build sand bars to catch the oil before it went into the marshes. US Army Corp of Engineers says "you can't do that", you need an Environmental Review to see if there would be harmful impacts on the environment!

Where do they get these people from? Impact on the Environment? Hello! You've got oil coming ashore faster than a plastic sled on a luge run and you've got concerns about tidal flows and impacts the sand will have on the Environment?

This whole situation makes me sick. No wonder so many in the world laugh at us. The US government struts around like the Emperor with his new clothes and has the nerve to tell others how to govern their environment while Big Oil has bought and paid for each and everyone of the congress of the US.

We as a nation need to seek and find really responsible people to represent us. The existing two party system is really dead and it's corpse is floating ashore on the Bayou in Louisiana. The parties represent their interests not ours. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results!

I wouldn't blame the folks along the Gulf Coast to rebel and seek secession from the USof A because the good old USof A isn't helping them one bit!