Friday, April 30, 2010

Raising Arizona

The recent events in Arizona have done something no one else has done before to this level, talk about the inept actions about our border security. Now I am not agreeing with or disagreeing with the law but what I am saying is that our Federal government has dropped the ball and maybe the folks who live in these areas of the country, where border security is a problem, are fed (nice pun but not intended) up with the inaction.

As Americans we take so much for granted in our lives, police protection for one. We do not have the widespread corruption and lawlessness that plagues our neighbors to the south. Why is that? We are a country that is founded on laws and courts to address these issues. We might think otherwise sometimes but the fact is that our population is very well protected from the crap going on south of here.

The people in Arizona and other southwestern states are getting the brunt of the spill over of these illegal immigrants and the trouble that follows. Read sometimes the local papers from the border region and see how farmers are killed, property damaged or stolen, crops ruined or livestock killed or stolen by these illegals. This is stuff we don't hear on CNN or Fox. Why? Because it is not glamorous or sound bite worthy. Our attention span can only deal with fast action news and tailored soundbites.

The border has always been a problem, but it is getting worse. Congress has done nothing but wring its hands about how to protect us and I'm not saying just the borders. Our security at the airports is a joke. It is reactionary rather than preemptive. Our casinos have better security than many of our government facilities. Why? Because their livelihood depends upon a secure environment for their guests.

So why can't the government take the same pro active stance as a private industry? Oh, someone will get their feelings hurt. We'll be acting discriminatory against our neighbors to the south.

Our government in Washington just doesn't get it. They are not for the people they are only there for themselves and those who do make it to Washington with a great deal of ideology and gusto find out they have to pay to play and the next thing you know they are just the same as those who are there.

I have to give praise to those legislators in Arizona who had the wherewith all to take a position. Whether or not they took a stand. A stand when others just stand and wring their hands and find a million excuses why we can't get things done.

The courts will probably decide the law is unenforceable and ill conceived and probably unconstitutional but the fact remains that someone had the nerve to stand up and tell Washington that they need to act.

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