Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Good Bye and Good Luck!

Well the phone call came about fifteen minutes ago. We expected it many times in the past but George always rallied. He had more rallies than a well funded political candidate. But tonight the crowds were gone, the operatives home awaiting the big day tomorrow, and everyone else snug in their beds dreaming of pleasant thoughts.

So it is fairly fitting that on the eve of the most Holy of the days in the Christian calendar that George was called home by the Lord. George always enjoyed a party or any opportunity to get together with friends and family. Good food, drink and a host of jokes that kept the mood festive. So why not? It was a good fit. Yes, family and friends, here on this mortal coil will be saddened. He will be missed but death is not the end of life but the beginning of an eternal journey of life. George will be reunited with his recently deceased brothers. Free of pain and suffering.

We must look at this as a momentous event for all. George was called home to begin his eternal life on the eve of a celebration on the birth of the Savior who gave us, through his suffering and death our own eternal life when we are called home.

So tomorrow, on Christmas Day, let's all take a moment and hug one another, give those reassuring words of love and comfort, and lift a glass high and toast to George. He'd be proud and would enjoy in our celebration of his life and the rebirth of his spirit within us all.

George, you will be missed, but please save us all a place at the table of the eternal feast for some day we too will be there.

We Love you George. Good bye and Good Luck!