Thursday, January 21, 2010

Beauty is All Around

I always seem to enjoy the morning sunrise and evening sunset. God knows I've got hundreds of pictures of this daily occurrence. It's just something soothing about those times of day.

Like this morning, here we are in the throes of winter and as the sun inches itself above the eastern horizon its soft, warm reds and pinks slowly massage the day to life. As I drove across downtown Kingston the warm golden glow of the early morning light reflected off of the stoic spires of the old downtown churches. Those silent sentinels proclaiming their allegiance to their heavenly aspirations.

Embellishments adorning the tops of these towers of faith reflect more than the morning sunlight. They are a testament to the faith of the congregations and as a personal note a capping signature of the individual architect and their individual faith.

While many of these grand old buildings no longer serve the faithful masses they stand as a testament to the faith of our ancestors. Those who built these houses of God to give thanks for the opportunities they were given in life and the promises of the future. A place where they asked for forgiveness for their indiscretions. Celebrated in the joys of the newborn and the sadness of the passing of friends and family. A continuous circle of life that goes unbroken to this day.

So when I see these churches, in the soft warm glow of the early morning, I feel assured that there is a renewed hope for all of us. While the mystery of life continues around us it is beautiful and comforting that God allows us a brief glimpse into the beauty of his handiwork each day. However brief and fleeting it is a moment, a sign, and renewal of faith in the future.

And at the end of the day the scene is repeated with a slightly different message. The beauty of the day folds softly into the evening and the renewal of faith is assured knowing that as we slumber through the darkness of the night His abiding presence is nearby watching and protecting. And in the morning it repeats itself.

The beauty of life is here, we just need to open our eyes and catch and cherish it!

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