Saturday, January 16, 2010

I Am My Father's Child

I know my generation must have given our parents a good deal of indigestion. Our rebellious ways. The revolutionist thoughts and the mistrust of anyone over 30. Our condemnation of the war in Vietnam and the march and desire for Civil Rights. Throw into that mix long hair, rock and roll music and free love and you really could get some of the old timers going!

So it is with a great deal of reflection that I now sit and wonder at the latest generation. Driving a School Bus I see all kinds of kids. Like the kids I had on my last two charters, well mannered, respectful and normal kids. Yeah, they have their desires to show their individuality. But there are some that I pick up on a daily basis that makes me think that Ringling Bros. is in town.

I can easily get by the weird colored hair and the styles. I can even be accepting of most tattoos, as having raised two daughters who sought their own mark in the world. But the one thing I can't get past is the body piercing and facial tattoos.

I saw a kid the other day with his ear lobes extended so big that the holes were bigger than a 1 1/2 inch kitchen drain pipe. There are some of these kids who have so much facial hardware it looks like they fell into a fishing tackle box and came up smiling.

For the life of me I just don't get it. I guess I'm getting to be like my father.

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