Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thanks for Being There

Everyday we place the safety of our lives in the hands of professionals. Firefighters, Police, Emergency Medical Personnel and the Military just to name a few. Some of these people are paid for their services and others are volunteers. Whether they are paid or volunteer they are professional just the same. We go about our daily existence without giving our safety a second thought if these professionals are going to be there when we call for help.

Our public safety professionals are, in my opinion, some of the best trained in the world. When duty calls they respond, anytime, any day any where in the world. Witness just some recent events in our history. The world trade center disaster for example. Volunteers and paid professionals put their lives on hold and joined with the emergency workers from NYC to try helping and rescue those affected by the terror imported on our shores. Katrina victims were given the same accord. These professionals put the protection of others above themselves. Nothing puts this into a greater perspective than a visit to the New York City Fireman's Museum. There, displays clearly show the ultimate sacrifice that 343 members of FDNY gave that beautiful late summer day in 2001.

For the entire life of our country we have continued to send our military into harms way. Our citizen leaders expect and receive the ultimate commitment from these professionals. Many times the ultimate sacrifice is the result along with pain and suffering too intense for most of us to think about.

We as a society owe a debit that can never be repaid to these professionals. Being the true consummate professionals they are, repayment of this debt is never asked for. A simple thanks is usually more than they want. Humble servants. So it is with great shock and awe that I can't understand that after these folks have given in the service of others that we as a society allow our elected officials to limit simple entitlements. Rescue workers at the World Trade Center continue to be plagued by ailments and the government screws around with their medical and financial compensation.

Military personnel are exposed to things on the battlefield that their superiors don't acknowledge. Malady's and indescribable injuries are given inadequate or non-existent treatment.

We ask so much of these protectors of society and in return for the harm they receive we nickel and dime them. Is this anyway we as a society should repay these selfless hero's? Lets do the right thing. They did!

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