Thursday, January 7, 2010

What Lights?

Since I've started driving a school bus I have had a new perspective opened to on how insane people are on the road. Driving a roll off truck or a garbage truck was dicey enough but a school bus really ups the ante.

As a driver on the road I always swore when those yellow and red flashing lights went on. I know the drill and it's for the children's safety and if they were my kids I would want them safe. So as much as I complained I adhered to the law and stopped when so instructed.

Now, driving a school bus I see these wackos drive right past without even batting an eye. I've grown accustomed to this happening everyday. My focus is on the kids and their safety. I'm entrusted with their safety and as long as I'm on the watch I'll do my darn est to make sure they arrive safe and alive.

So today I was listening to the two way radio when a group of school buses were loading at the high school had several cars race right past the row of buses loading students. Red lights and all. Just like they were invisible.

As this was happening I was sitting on a city street awaiting my students as each bus was loaded. I observed up the street a Sheriff's patrol car coming in the opposite direction. I thought He would be the enforcer if anyone ran past us today.

Now picture this: six buses in a row, all the red lights and stop signs hanging out and not only did the car directly in front of the Sheriff pass us so did the Sheriff and he motioned to the cars stopped along the row of buses to go as well.


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