Tuesday, January 5, 2010

That's Entertainment?

Let's face it. Americans just love a good juicy scandal. The whole world is falling apart and we've become glued to the TV to hear about the dalliances and short comings about "celebrities".

Global warming, the end of the world as we know it, starving people, homelessness, nuclear proliferation world wide can't bring people to talk like the death of a drug addled pedophile, or a sports figure with an over stimulated libido.

Why do we pay so much attention to these self absorbed people? Do they care about you and me? We aren't even a pimple on their ass. Just think about how much money is spent on trying to know the daily trials and tribulations of these morons. How much money the media and the entertainment industry spends on promoting the paparazzi stunts that plaster the supermarket tabloids.

I know some well educated people in the psycho profession that try and explain it to Lucy as "we live vicariously through these people and therefore we are in awe of their every move!"

Bull Crap!

We've just abandoned the God given mental faculties we were endowed with at birth for some self absorbed piss ant who probably never worked a day in their life.

Think about how much cheaper consumer products would be if the "endorsements" were eliminated. A hundred dollar pair of sneakers would be priced more like $29. But we've been brain washed to buy only what "Joe Celeb" wears! The question that comes to my mind is why are these rabid photogs always trying to get a shot of who's kissing who or who isn't wearing under ware? What they should be doing is to catch the mug who's endorsed Pepsi drinking a Coke! Or the guy using an electric razor when he's endorsed Gillette!

Now That's Entertainment!!!

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