Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Just When You Think You've Heard It All!

I am truly beginning to think that art is taking over reality. The saying was "life imitates art" but it has become the other way around.

Take Hollywood for example. Only a skit on the Colbert Report would come up with some disillusioned rich kid getting on a plane from God knows where with explosives packed in his shorts to try and destroy an American Airliner and put himself into heaven with a thousand virgins. And he almost gets away with it!

The whole dam intelligence industry dropped the ball on this one. Any street wise kid from LA to Boston could have seen this one coming! First off the Bomber's father rats the kid out. Second, the kid pays for his airline ticket with cash, not even seeking frequent flier miles on his credit card! Thirdly, he's off to Detroit! A blown up airliner crashing into Detroit wouldn't bring much attention given the national state of affairs, especially there.

So what happens? The bomb, bombs and the kid burns his nuts off. The passengers jump on the poor son of a bitch, causing the airliner to temporarily dive to the side, because of the drastic change in weight distribution. And then the media has a field day. Michael Jackson, Tiger Woods, stand by, you've been up staged by a true nut job!

Who Knows whats left?

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