Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big Brother's Asleep

Listening to the talking heads on TV each and everyday they seem to have no shortage of being able to point fingers and slam the other guy for mistakes.

This one said this, that one said that etc. So with this debacle of the wannabe rag head bomber and the unfortunate comedy of errors that allowed him to fly through the cracks, more like open doors, I have come to the following observations:

The multitude of government agencies that are suppose to be watching the hen house still can't get it straight after all these years. Some agencies say they did what they were supposed to do or that the information was inconclusive. But the best one was that the guy was flagged as a "no fly" once the plane took off and they were going to question him when he landed. That's like the bank robber will be questioned when he starts spending the money!

And to make matters worse the President goes on TV a few days later and says we all have to pull together and do more to try and stop these attacks from happening! Well duh? The people on the flight that crashed on 9/11 in Pennsylvania did something, they gave their lives thwarting disaster. The clown with the shoe bomb was set upon by fellow passengers and captured. And good old Hot Pants Abdul Whatever was caught in the act by passengers on that flight. I think the next time something like this happens the crowd is going to be even more pissed off and will probably thrown old Mohamed Rag Head out the door of the plane at 40,000 feet.

Now how can all of this be resolved? Very simply. Get the government out of the business of trying to protect you and me. They have shown that they haven't got a clue or the ability to do anything after all the billions of dollars spent and the resources allocated. Let's let the Las Vegas casino security experts have a crack at it. These people have the most complex and sophisticated technology at their disposal that they can spot someone in real time, even wearing a disguise. They know who's been cheating and what they eat, how they spend their money, where they shop and the list goes on and on. These people are motivated by the fact that they are protecting money! They don't want to loose a penny. Their system, although not totally fool proof is much better than anything the government is using. Let the boy's in the back room take a stab at it.

Just think about the added benefits to letting them protect us from the camel jockeys and rug weavers. We wouldn't have any Gitmo situation. These felons from Arabia would find a new home in our desert. You know the one just west of the strip. Many a soul who dared to exact some level of deprivation on the casinos has been exiled to the desert and never been heard from or seen again. At no expense to the taxpayer.

Just think, What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. And big brother can stay fast asleep at the switch as our pockets are pilfered by the banks, insurance companies and other special interests. But the sky's will be safer!

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